An assortment of thoughts and sights

This blog highlights some of the random thoughts and sights throughout my time in Rome…..

Gelato, Gelato, and More Gelato

After three months in Italy, I believe I can officially call myself a gelato connoisseur. Having gelato almost every day for the greater part of the trip, I got to know the best gelaterias and the best flavors to try at each one. In Rome, I went to several gelaterias that were recommended in my two guidebooks. I had some of the best gelato in Italy! At Cremeria Monteforte, right next to the Pantheon, I had a flavor called Rose. There is no other way to describe it other than that it actually tasted like the smell of a rose, and it was delicious! At Giolitti, also near the Pantheon, I had cinnamon, cherry, and chocolate, and at Gelateria alla Scala in Travestere I tried a pear, cinnamon, and cherry combination. I wasn’t sure how the pear would taste in gelato form, but it was excellent! Another famous gelateria near the Pantheon was Il Gelato di San Crispino, and their gelato is all-natural, and served only in cups, which they say is to preserve the flavor. This refreshing and sweet treat is something that I will definitely miss!


Street Vendors

One thing I really enjoyed about Rome was sitting in different places and observing how other people experience the city. When posting my blogs, I was in public spaces, and it was always interesting to observe people pass and pick up on tidbits of their reactions to the historic surroundings. It was a touristy path, which means that it was full of vendors: trying to get you to hold birds for a photo, selling fruit and paintings, palm readings, the people who stand as King Tut and don’t move. I was always curious about the people in full costume, and one time, I saw the King Tut man coming out of costume at the end of the day, at about 7pm. It was very interesting.


Colosseum Fun

Living so close to the Colosseum in Rome was a real joy. I got to experience its activity at all times of the day, at different times of the week, and with different users. As such a monumental piece of history, the users ranged from worldwide tourists, local bride and groom couples, to Roman construction workers. One day, as I was walking past the Colosseum, I saw a police car driving by, and the policeman who was the passenger in the car was snapping a photo of the Colosseum. I turned to see what the excitement was about, and there were several workers on the ledges of the Colosseum. It was fascinating to watch them work. They were on several levels with men on the ground directing them! It was fun to see!

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