This last post shows the extent of Borromini’s work that we were able to visit, or in some cases view from the exterior if we were unable to catch opening hours. It has been a long time coming, for this we apologize. Now the resources have been compiled (first by Wikipedia contributors 😉 ) for you to be able to read at your leisure the story of Borromini and his amazing works. You will be able to see through our eyes and camera lenses the way we viewed ‘his world’ in Rome.
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
St. Peter’s Basilica – grille of Cappella del SS Sacramento – It doesn’t look like this page actually talks about Borromini’s contribution, which were the gates of the Blessed Sacrament chapel. You can read on the Borromini page that he may have had a hand in the Baldacchino, which I have read in places as well, however it is often credited to Bernini. It goes in depth about one of the most, if not the most, staggering works of art and architecture – a very interesting read.
Sant Andrea delle Fratte – dome and campanile
San Giovanni dei Fiorentini – High Altar